Volume 1 Edition 6

7 Ways Your Organization Can Uproot Systemic Racism by Sandra Caballero through weforum.org

(And i got a lot to say about the next one!)

When Americans Don’t Riot, Politicians Feel Unrestrained by Nathan Tankus through prospect.org

as John Adams once said in reference to the colonists’ treatment by the British“We won’t be their Negroes.”

In comparison to American patriots, modern-day looting of largely corporate retail chains by a minority of protesters is practically tame. 

(fine! but we MUST prepare to CARE for them, HIDE them and definitely be more diligent than usual in MEMORIALizing them!)

(we must be prepared to feed them! physically, etc! For people who do such things are shunned everywhere they go!)

After Ferguson, which wasn’t purely nonviolent, there have been peaceful Black Lives Matter protests for six years, which have been ignored and dismissed.

(because doesn’t that ECONOMICALLY affect/effect anything!)

(our sit ins and strikes did, we were unified in large numbers…)

(Plus we are NOT non-violently
risking our lives today! (Like we did back then!)

Martin Luther King Jr. was wildly unpopular among white Americans during his lifetime, with majorities of whites asserting that he was “hurting the cause” of Black people.

(EXACTLY! told ya we ain’t doing the non violent protest correctly either! it must be EXTREMELY risky to SOMEONES health & welfare, WORTHY of arrest, torture & killing!

What interruption of commerce are you willing to die for?

(the porn industry!)

If alienating white America prevented change, King would have gotten nowhere. Instead, his strategy was to put direct pressure on politicians to effect change through protests which raised tensions and provoked police violence—as activists are doing today.

(key words: ALIENATE white society!)

(What would do that most effectively? hurt it?)

(the health industry?)

(travel industry?)

(where are we the least?)

(food, pharmaceutical…)

Note: All the things mentioned above are currently being done due to Covid19! (The Lord’s Vengeance! My number is 19! So ya know i sat up & paid attention!)

(is just beginning too…)

Only the large-scale riots after King’s assassination created enough pressure for the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which finally passed five weeks after his death

(which was done to mollify us!)

(whatever we ask for, they find a way to Shanghai us!

Shanghaiing or crimping is the practice of kidnapping people to serve as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence. Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps. The related term press gang refers specifically to impressment practices in Great Britain’s Royal Navy

(Whew! Glad it’s not based on some racial slur!)

(and this is how i learn stuff i didn’t even know!)

Future Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, then chair of the Council of Economic Advisers… referenced a newspaper columnist’s surprise “at the failure of social radicalism to emerge as a consequence.” (To the then rising unemployment) In other words, the lack of rioting in the 1970s enabled the soaring inequality that followed in later decades.

(Anyone remember the 70’s? For Black Folk?)

(Well somewhen after MLK Jr, Malcolm X AND two Kennedys were killed/assassinated…)

(Black Folk were in shock! And in serious mourning, for all the people we had hoped would help us, the ones who were helping us, got murdered?)

(They White Folks too?!)

(We were devastated!)

(The 60’s was White Folks ‘Brotherly Love’, which consisted of a LOT of drugs!)

(The kind that do extensive long term damage to the brain! LSD/PCP/ACID, Heroin & Cocaine!)

(White Folks Sexual Freedom, had us, in the 70’s, doing the same thing!)

(During this influx of psychedelic drugs, we, black folk, grabbed onto them with both fists!)

(Our heroes, assassinated? Even the White ones?)

(Unemployment the highest ever?)

(Then Vietnam?)

(Me & Mrs, Mrs, Jones…became famous…a song based on audultery.)

(Imagine 4 Kobe’s dying in 1 year)

(Something never before experienced)

(Such devestation, such unemployment, caused many Black Men to enter the Vietnam War!)

(For an opportunity to prove themselves AGAIN! Like in World War 2! Right?

(The first time America loses!)

(The first time when darn near EVERY Black Man wasn’t home for some reason!

Emboldened by these earlier experiments, President Carter’s Federal Reserve appointee Paul Volcker raised interest rates over 20 percent. Protests, letter writing, and other actions emerged, but none at the level of militancy that would have been required to abort the experiment.

(Because organizations are hunted down and exterminated! (ie: Black Panthers)

(how to combat that?)

(its why i stick with YOU Lord!)

Policy decisions are not pure reflections of the preference of the population as a whole. Instead, politicians tend to operate under a variety of constraints from organized interests and what they believe the wider population will accept

(yeah cause an ‘acceptable’ policy MOLLIFIES us!)

(Having it in writing provides nothing!)

(Native American Sovereignty is a prime example of that!)

(Crumbs from the Masa’s table.. as long as the ‘Man’ exists!’

(For You, Lord, are the ONLY way justice, true justice prevails!)

(and this is where we go to the next article!

Google Tasks tells me:

“You’ve finished all your tasks. Take a second to recharge”


So not funny 

So have not been doing this 

Schedule in…



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